It's taken me a long time to come back in earnest to these pages, but now I am finally here and thoroughly looking forward to working with you, dear unknown collaborator. That's all I'll choose to say to you here as an introduction and it will have to be enough. Now, to work.
me begin by giving you an informal outline of what I am bringing to
the table.
first, and perhaps the most important, piece of work that I am happy
to lay on the common table is the fact that in all so-called
subjective prismatic experiments four out of the six spectral
colours do not at all conform to the Newtonian-Snellian paradigm.
Thus, in effect, the spectral blue and red refract/bend in
opposite directions to each other, while yellow and green do not
refract/bend at all. Now this is
a fact that can be proven in many a number of ways, and it is also a
fact with deep and manifold implications. For instance, there's
surely no need of me to mention in any kind of detail that the
Newtonian theory requires Snell's law to be governing the refractive
affairs in all
prismatic experiments, be they of either subjective
nature, or indeed of that so-dubbed objective
kind. Neither is there a need of me, of course, to remind you that
ultimately those two different kinds of experiments (together with
their respective observational results) ought to, according to the
demands of the theory, collaborate and complement each other
seamlessly, in order for the entire theory to stand any chance of
survival. As it happens, though, that is not at all the case.
Now, at this point
I would like to show you an interesting consequence of the red's and
blue's opposite refractive directions in subjective prismatic
experiments. It begins innocuously enough with looking through your
prism (initially from a distance of about 0.5m) at the figure below.
Holding your prism
with its apex pointing to your left look carefully at how the image
above changes under your—so-called—subjective observation. Can
you make sense of the picture you're seeing through your prism? It
shouldn't be too hard, although perhaps somewhat oddly surprising
when that strange hue of green is taken into consideration. The most
important feature of this observation however is that thin black
stripe that lies right in the middle of our picture. Although
important, that thin black stripe is not surprising in the least.
Indeed it is created, as you most likely have already realised, by
the directionally opposite refractions of the red and blue. In
effect, thus, red refracts in a direction toward the base of your
prism, while blue refracts in the opposite direction—toward its
apex. And with this extra bit of information into our hands we can
easily account now for the rest
of the colourful
features in the image observed.
us change now the perspective of our next observation, by holding
your prism with its apex pointing to your right. From the same
distance of 0.5m you will get now two
thin black stripes, with both perfectly explained by the opposite
refractions of those two spectral colours.
Things, however,
get even more interesting when the distance of observation is
increased. Try, for instance, the same two-fold observation from a
distance of about 2m. From this distance, when you look at the
picture through your prism with the apex toward your left you will no
longer get any sight of the blue objects in the picture, while the
former black thin stripe in the middle of the figure will have become
noticeably broader. None of these effects is surprising, for—as we
know—with distance, in prismatic observations both the amount of
refractions as well as the widths of the spectral bands increase
commensurately. And by adding to those known facts our new
understanding of the directionally opposite bending of red and blue,
not even the quite dramatic chromatic change seen when looking at
our picture above from a distance of about 2m through a prism whose
apex is pointing to the right, is posing any real challenges now. I
urge you to take your time at this point, to see it for yourself.
satisfying things may seem at the moment by understanding that those
four spectral colours—BGYR—behave in subjective observations as
they do, let me assure you that things
will become markedly even more satisfying when to that little piece
of understanding one is fortunate enough to add knowing precisely
what one should expect
to see every time one looks through a prism, as well as why
and how. Let me
explain, and then we'll look at a couple of concrete examples of why
one is indeed very fortunate to know and understand those things.
In spite of the
total darkness and silence in the conventional quarters about what
one should expect to see every time one conducts a subjective
prismatic observation, to me and my Greek that subject turned out to
be one of the most directly, straightforwardly simple. So much so
that I can illustrate pretty much the entire process in one picture.
Like this, for example.
On the left you have the
Newtonian depiction of the conventional view of the prismatic saga
while on the right there is ours. The conventional view tells you
pretty much nothing about what one should expect to see in any
prismatic observation. (Well, I suppose one could argue here that the
Newtonian depiction shows the observed spectral dispersion that is
usually cast on a screen—the ROYGBV spectrum—and to that I'd say,
with the greatest amount of magnanimity I could ever muster, however,
fair enough.) On the other hand our unconventional depiction shows
the Newtonian dispersion ROYGBV, the longitudinal VBGYOR spectral
distribution of the beam of light that exists before entering the
prism, the so-called reversed VBGYOR spectrum that has been known to
be seen directly by the naked eye through the prism since Newton
himself, as well as providing a tangible explanation for the
not-mere-at-all fact that “Prismaticall colours appeare in the eye
in a contrary order”.
Indeed, the fact that in
subjective observations the distribution of the spectral colours
shows a reversed VBGYOR spectrum instead of the Newtonian ROYGBV one
carries a great deal of weight in our ultimate desire and need to
understand fully the nature of light and colours. What am I saying!
It carries the greatest deal! That's why if we are to stand
any chances of understanding that, then we have to know what
we're talking about. And in order to get to know it we have see
it. And, lastly, if you want to truly see it, then you should know
that you won't get there by swinging equations or by measuring things
to tens of decimal places. In order to see, you have to look.
And then when you'll see it you'll know that you've seen it because
you can describe it in fluent and coherent spoken language. For
indeed that is the only way of insuring that you have understood.
Maths, and the rest, is just a routinely moderate hard yakka.
And this is what I will try to
do in our collaborative act. I'll talk and I'll show you pictures and
videos. The rest is up to you, mate. Do what you will. Just don't
forget: In everything you'll say or do think what you mean and mean
what you think. Otherwise you'll instantly become just another
Pharisee of the late saint kind.
The conventional physicist has
not seen it, let's make no bones about that. That's why I have no
problem at all pointing in clear spoken language where she's been
routinely flanking it for, oh...much too long already. Taking as an
immediate example the issue we were discussing a moment ago—why
VBGYOR instead of ROYGBV in subjective observations—let me to give
you an example that depicts quite clearly where, and how, the
conventional physicist gets it all wrong.
It so happens that the original
picture painted by Newton (that about the ray of light, with all its
Newtonian qualities) has been inked so deeply in the conventional
mind that it's been the outstanding controlling factor of all things
optics ever since. In the conventional mind, it seems, the reality
out there is delivered digitally, very much like an image on a hard
drive is conveyed onto a computer screen. “Pixel so and so receives
colour FF00C70. Pixel that and that receives colour HC90CC...” and
so on until: “Oh, a rainbow!”. Admittedly, to a contemporary mind
that is a very tempting image. Alas, the conventional physicist has
carried that picture too far. She has forgotten that although God is
subtle, He is never malicious. (He doesn't have to be, for, after
all, to the very best of our understanding, He is
boundless—boundlessly resourceful, boundlessly efficient,
boundlessly wise, boundlessly imaginative...) She should have stopped
and pondered a long time ago about that, when she had began
experiencing those first chronic bouts of incoherence and
inconsistency. Instead she has desperately continued to try to force
all the square pegs into the round holes and all the round pegs into
the square holes—for a complete and comprehensive mess up all
around. Which is why, today, in order to completely redress
even the simplest conventional prismatic 'explanation' one must write
a book solely dedicated to that subject. We'll talk much more about
the contents of this paragraph as we will stroll slowly ahead,
There are two most important
thinks related to our present topic that one should keep well stored
in one's mind. The first one is that in all subjective investigations
the prism reveals to the observer's eye a mapping view of the third
spatial axis (the depth), which is otherwise forbidden to the naked
Equally important is a second
fact, which takes just a little more elaboration to explain.
prisms can offer to the observer's eye a perspective of whatever lies
along onto that third spatial plane, a more important fact is that by
and large prisms are used to monitor and observe the behaviour of
light. And it is a direct consequence of this fact that we are able
to predict with virtually 100% accuracy what
we should expect to see every time we look through a prism at a beam
of light. Incredibly, however, although what I'm about to tell you is
basically a most simple, almost trivial thing, the tragic fact of the
matter remains that even today, 350 years after Newton's optical
legacy to the modern world, the conventional physicist is still
poignantly ignorant of its reality. (How
ignorant, still, we
shall see in a few moments.)
most simple matter of fact is that any subjective observation of
light through a prism reveals (rather blatantly) that the chromatic
distribution thus observed is invariably different, yet always the
same, to the Newtonian ROYGBV display. In effect that spectral
distribution is always showing the exactly opposite array of colours
to the Newtonian spectrum: VBGYOR instead of ROYGBV (displayed along
the same directional orientation). Which ultimately means that just
like we can predict the usual Newtonian spectral distribution in
those so-called objective prismatic experiments we can now predict
the inverted spectral display that is characteristic to those
so-called subjective
prismatic experiments.
Now, although what we said
above is entirely and invariably correct, there are a couple of
subtleties that play a part in the game, and therefore they must be
paid the attention they require. And one of those is quiet visibly at
work in one of the pictures of the collage above. Take a good look at
the four pictures, think a little, and I believe you will be able to
see it without any help.
subtlety in question is encapsulated in the real picture that shows a
prism 'lifting' into observer's perspective what is lying along that
forbidden to the naked eye dimension (which in our case is a mock-up
image of the VBGYOR spectrum). As you can see in that case, the first
(top) two spectral colours that are displayed just below the apex of
the prism are not the VB combination, as stipulated, but rather the
Y(O)R combination, which are supposed to be the last
(bottom) colours in the normal VBGYOR array. So? What went wrong in
that particular case? The answer is: Nothing. Nothing at all went
wrong. In fact the colours displayed are exactly those we would have
fully predicted, and indeed expected, under the given circumstances.
That's because we have long understood that in order to see the full
VBGYOR display it is an absolute requirement to have the
entire source of
energy that is generating the spectrum into the prism's view. As in
fact one can easily and eloquently establish for oneself, by looking
through a prism at a white page of a document, for example, displayed
on the computer monitor in front of one's eyes. As in fact, indeed
one can just as easily predict by taking into consideration the two
factors that are responsible for all prismatic spectral displays: the
size of the source of light that is being observed, and the
particular distance that exists between it and the prism. (As, in
fact, had been precisely the same subject of discussion a little
earlier on, remember?)
The other subtlety that comes
into play under the given circumstances is concerned with the rather
considerable degree of consequence and influence that the VBGYOR
prismatic display carries and conveys in its particular interactions
with the physical reality within which it manifestly exists.
Consider, for example, the following extensional reality to the
inherent conditions that are the governing factors behind the reality
of the VBGYOR prismatic display. If it is true that a triangular
prism is capable of revealing the physical reality of a reversed
spectral display to the one that was firstly discovered, it should
conceivably also be likely to exist some other means (or perhaps
other things) able to do either the same or at least similar feats.
This kind of extensional reasoning should indeed become a natural and
reasonable expectation, provided there is also existing a sound
understanding of the factors that have been primordially responsible
for those prismatic observations in the first place.
cut a long story short, in the end we realised that there was just
one major factor that was overwhelmingly responsible for the VBGYOR
display—the particular shape of the prism itself. Specifically, in
effect, it was a direct consequence of the inherently continuous
unevenness that exists at every given point between any two adjacent
faces of a triangular prism that was ably and aptly capable of
'lifting' into an observer's direct field of vision the perspective
of the light field that extends along that so-called third
dimension of space, or if you instead so prefer, the field that
extends along that which is sometimes referred to as the
depth axis.
Nevertheless, regardless of the specific particularity of your choice
as such, you can confidently rest assured that whatever your choice
may be, it will certainly bear no other consequences in the matter
beside those that are only semantically important (if at all,
Two things are most important
to retain from our discussion on this first day of collaboration:
- A prism used in any subjective observation displays the VBGYOR spectrum (from the apex towards the base);
- A prism used in any subjective observation displays the reversed VBGYOR spectrum because due to its geometrical configuration it 'lifts' the named spectrum from its original spatial axis (which is basically extending horizontally relative to the light's direction of travel and the observer's line of sight) onto an inclined plane that allows an observer to see it.
(For a visual depiction of the
above see the picture below.)
Finally, on this topic, there's
just one other thing I wish to say before going any further.
Although until now we have only
associated the prism with the attributes and effects summarised in
the two points numerically denoted above, the complete truth is that
any conceivable optical object which is fundamentally shaped (to
whatever extent, great or small) like a prism, shares with it
basically the same attributes and effects. For example, a double
convex lens is basically a triangular prism that has been rotated a
full turn around a point situated right at the centre of the prism's
base, while a double concave lens is basically a triangular prism
which has been rotated a full turn around a point situated right in
the middle of its apex. That's all about that, for this is no news.
Everybody knows that, even the conventional physicist, and thus we
can go further now. Stay with me.
To justify my claim that the
conventional physicist has practically no understanding of any
significance in the science of optics I will present you with a
number of concrete examples for the rest of this first day of
collaborative work.
The first example I've chosen
for you is described in the screenshot below. Let's have a look at
So, having read everything with
great care and diligence, as you do, what did you think about the
question, first, but far more importantly, tell me what you thought
about those answers after that. In the meantime though let me tell
you as succinctly as I can what conclusions I myself have drawn in
Although the conventional
physicist is well aware, apparently, that lenses are basically
prisms, she clearly has no idea about what really causes the effects
in the question. Her only alternative, therefore, is to utter some
sort of 'explanation' by reciting, with the obvious vagueness of the
shonky leader and typical nerve of the ignorant zealot, the main
theme of the conventional prismatic dogma. It's all clear cut,
straightforward and quite simple, she's basically saying from behind
and in between the lines. So much so that after an 'explanation' that
could easily be tweeted she ends up with a most prosaic and mundane
advice: “Look up prism refraction and you'll see all you need to
know.” Wow!
But if that wasn't enough what
happens in the next exchange pretty much does it. I'm referring here
to Carl Witthoft's reply to HyperLuminal's new posited question,
which says “... try drawing the ray path thru a prism—you'll see
the “bending” will be reversed for rays with angles of entry on
the right and left sides of vertical.” Wow wow!
You see, even though the visual
effects described in the question are part of a subjective
prismatic observation, the guys with apparently all the answers have
not even contemplated the possibility that the basic Newtonian
prismatic setup, which inherently is of a so-called objective
nature, couldn't answer all conceivable prismatic questions.
Therefore, I say, if this is not a concrete exposition of the fact
that the conventional physicist has no understanding of any
consequential significance, then I will have to slur, so only my
Greek friend and God can hear me: “What the...!”
So why those coloured borders
then? And why blue and yellow, instead of the usual blue and red?
What about the reversal of colours between left and right?
Before answering those
questions I want to make it clear that unfortunately the description
of the observation is quite vague (and therefore quite confusing).
Nevertheless, that is a reality that does not in any way impinge
irreversibly on the final outcome. It only means that as a
consequence there are two possible answers in the matter. One
is that the man's glasses have what are called plus lenses,
while the other is that the reality is completely opposite to that,
which in turn means that the man's glasses have minus lenses
instead. Without going too much at all into details that very
basically means that if the man is wearing plus lenses he is wearing
convex lenses. If however the opposite case is true, then he
is wearing concave ones. And now by saying that we're almost
ready to conclude this little chapter. The only thing we have to do
before that, however, is for you to fetch your favourite prism and
for me to draw a clear, eloquent picture below. So see you in a
Remember those three questions
a moment ago? It's time to answer them—not one by one, but all of
them at once.
Take therefore your prism, hold
it with its apex pointing to the left and bring it forward towards
your screen (aiming to observe the black ellipse and rectangle on
your left) until it is about 10-15cm away from it. (Remember, your
observing eye doesn't have to follow, so you can remain comfortably
seated as you were before.) Now, look first what colour is laying
along the inside edge of the white canvas. Look next what colour
borders the black rectangle on the left side and then what colour's
on the right. Proceed next to observe the border colours of the black
oval. When satisfied with what you have seen, start thinking.
Next, turn your prism a full
180° around and conduct a
similar observation on the right side of the picture. When satisfied
with what you have seen stop for a few moments and ponder. See?:)
OK, it should be a no-brainer
now to guess what follows next. So do it. Hold your prism in a
position with its base pointing to the left and observe the black
objects on the left side of the picture from a distance similar to
the previous ones. And then, of course, proceed with the final
observation of this little chapter.
Things look pretty much like in
the man's description, don't they? They do. Indeed they do. But tell
me, is there any need of me now to still put the words on the paper
in order to answer those three earlier questions? After all I have
already answered them today. And, after all again, I only recently
made a sincere pledge that this time I will write solely for you. So,
let me then just say: “Until next time. Take care, and all the
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