Saturday, 22 May 2021

Red and Blue refract in opposite directions in objective experiments too


According to the conventional understanding there are two kinds of prismatic experiments: subjective and objective. The subjective experiments are basically understood to be those in which the observer is thought to be interfering with the experiment. The objective prismatic experiments are understood to be those in which the observer is thought not to be interfering with the experiment. Thus, if the experimenter is looking through a prism at a source of light, what he sees is deemed to be a subjective observation. Conversely, if the experimenter is looking at some screen upon which a prismatic image has been intercepted, his observation is deemed to be objective. Furthermore, if the experimenter substitutes his eye with the eye of some recording device, like a camera, the observation thus acquired is still considered to be subjective. If, on the other hand, the experimenter uses a camera to record a prismatic image captured on a screen, the observation acquired is considered to be objective. 

Now, with all these things being said, I want to ask the conventional physicist what kind of observation is the one captured in the image below.

Think carefully before trying to sell me a hybrid story (half subjective, half objective, blah, blah) for there is a prismatic image intercepted by the same screen upon which your so-called objective image is recorded. And if you're still defiant and start concocting other stories to try to justify your position, I will show you even more confronting images that will make your skin crawl with the fear of your time coming to an inevitable end. Images like this

and this

and this

Needless to say, the conventional physicist has treated the so-called subjective experiments much differently than those so-called objective ones. This is of course another Newtonian legacy, and it is a most unfortunate one. Somewhat ironically though Newton believed that the same rules governed and applied to both. In spite of that, however, the reality is that he took little time to examine the subjective observations with the same care as he did with the objective ones. One significant example of this fact is the manner in which he treated the observation that in subjective experiments the spectrum is inversely displayed--VBGYOR, instead of ROYGBV (from the apex of the prism to the base). Apart from mentioning that fact, in passing, he did nothing at all about it. And that failure, again, has reverberated to the present day. To such an extent that today's conventional physicist's 'explanation' for that observation is such a cacophonous verbiage of nonsense that it makes me want to howl to the moon every time I hear it. And believe me, I have heard it so many times over the years...

Newton's failure to treat the so-called subjective experiments with the same degree of care as he treated the objective ones is by and large the main cause for the staggering level of prismatic ignorance that is prevalent today. From the hundreds (perhaps thousands) of examples that I could give you about that fact, in the end I have chosen only one. It is a personal example and it happened a few months back at the Physics StackExchange forum. It began when I posted the question below.

My question attracted two answers.

I don't want to spend any time at all discussing the 'answers' given. That wasn't my intention in the first place for showing you this particular example. The main reason for that decision was to highlight what should be the most valuable insight one should extract from this little piece of factual reality. The overarching lesson of this story is to see that the vast majority of us invariably fail to see that the simplest truths are the hardest to discover. The question I had posted to that forum should have been comprehensively answered in less than 100 words by pretty much anyone who had even a superficial knowledge of Goethe's and Newton's work. So much so, I say, that any ordinary thinker (with even a superficial knowledge of the works I mentioned) should have instantly realised that when it comes to providing a consistent explanation for the observation in question Goethe's wins hands down, beyond the shadow of a doubt. For those unable to see the truth of this matter even now the only thing I have to say is this: I'm sorry that it is I who had to inform you that you're definitely not a thinker. That doesn't mean that you couldn't be a physicist. Quite the contrary, in fact, for to the best of everybody's knowledge, there hasn't been thus far even a single physicist--of the conventional kind, let us specify--who's managed to see that small piece of the bloody truth in the last 350 years. So, I have said, once and for all, but if there's anyone who thinks that he knows better don't cower in the safety of shadows. Come forward, out here, in the open, under the lights and scrutiny of all--or otherwise keep your mouth firmly shut. F

Wednesday, 5 May 2021

How do we get out of this second wave of scientific darkness?

One of the most paraded slogans invoked by the modern establishmentarians is that science is a self-correcting enterprise.  Well, that may be so--I said to a friend of mine a few days ago--but the real issue about that is what kind of price does humanity have to pay for allowing them control to self-correct. The world has already suffered through 1600 years of darkness to finally self-correct the Aristotelian-Ptolemaic Solar System, which had the earth at the centre and the sun revolving around it, with the heliocentric idea of Aristarchus of Samos, whose only fault was that he had the misfortune to live at about the same time, in the same part of the world, along the same people, in the same kind of history.

1600 years!! To self-correct. To my mind that is far too big a price to pay for the services that have been rendered. Can you imagine where humanity should be today if it would have taken our scientists say, 160 years to make that correction, instead of 1600. Or, as I said to my friend, can you imagine that one day we may all be staring absolutely hopeless at the sight of an asteroid approaching an earth impotent of defending itself because its scientists have taken too damn long to self-correct.

Whatever you may think about that let me inform you that humanity is once again floating in darkness, since 1672.  For 349 years, now. But the most distressing part is that our establishmentarians do not show even the tiniest hint that they are harbouring any desire to consider that it might be yet again another vital need for self-correcting. No, they're all so busy with inventing ever bigger and more flamboyant epicycles. Why is there not any hint of some imminent change in the science of physics? Bluntly, because of this gargantuan human flaw: No progress in anything is possible without periodic revolutions; at the same time, no establishment of any kind wants a revolution, at any point in time. This is the paradoxical nature of any evolutionary endeavour, and if you didn't know that you were surely born the other day.


I said this before and I will say it again: There is nowhere more evident the declining state of the present physics than in the two premiere forums endorsed by the reigning conventional establishment.  It is in those two places that one can find the most amazing array of pearls one could dream of. (That is if one knows how to find them, of course.) 

Today I have prepared for you a few of the pearls that I found myself in the last few months in those good places. The first one is from a thread whose title was something like "I'm wondering why the coloured bands appear in the specific order of red, blue, green, orange, red, violet, green and violet". Below I will drop a screenshot of that thread.

Now, let's begin by reminding ourselves that everything The Pointer cited in his question comes from a textbook. Following that try to see on what bases the author has built his line of reasoning that ultimately led him to that particular array of colours. (Good luck with that, btw.) Then, finally, all should suddenly become as clear as daylight. This is a typical example of GIGO. Remember GIGO? Anyway, let me drop below the only answer The Pointer got from someone called Pieter.

In my journey as a human on this planet I was fortunate enough to learn a thing or two about the kind of beasts we are. I wonder if you came to a similar conclusion about this particular human trait that is, for all intents and purposes, pretty much a universal one. What I have come to realise is that the majority of humans (regardless of any specific particularities) when they truly run out of the knowledge, they have in any subject instinctively begin to speculate whatever aspect of the subject that they really do not know and proceed to add it to the rest of their story and expect it to raise no issues with anyone (for some rather crazy reason). Just listen to the tone the author of that textbook undertakes in order to eventually utter some completely idiotic nonsense. Then it is worth listening carefully at what Pieter had to say. He's just as wrong in his own analysis, but to his mind everything he says in his answer falls neatly into place, so it must be right.

What about you? Have you got any idea about what I am saying? In any event, for the time being it is worthier to read the final part of this thread.


It absolutely astounds me that apparently no one can see how easy it is to explain refraction, diffraction and interference, in one go. All those beautiful manifestations of light are intimately connected, as they should be, and therefore when one sees one of those manifestations, one sees them all. Conversely, when one doesn't see one of them, one doesn't ever see any.

The other day, one of the things I said to my mate was that I don't need to conduct the rather difficult experiments needed to see either diffraction, or Newton's rings, or indeed interference at work. I can easily see all those things by simply looking through my prism at different sources of light from different distances. I have become aware of this fact many years ago, and I can tell you that I have seen with my own eyes pretty much any diffraction pattern ever observed. Moreover, I have learned how all those seemingly puzzling colours come into existence from mixing just the spectral RGB trio of colours. So, if you like to think that there are an infinite number of colours in the spectrum of light, you can rest assured that all that infinity of colours is created by those three, and only those three, primary hues.

The refraction, diffraction and interference of light in a nutshell

In order to see all three prismatic phenomena at work we shall conduct just one very simple subjective observation. Effectively, we shall look through a triangular prism at the diagram I will drop below in a moment from two different distances and take two snapshots of the emerging display with a camera for further analysis.

Upon conducting the prismatic observation of the image above from a distance of about two and a half feet we took the following picture.

Now, at this point I'm pretty sure that many will say that our experiment brings nothing new to the common table, for everything on display is very well known and fully accounted by the mainstream theory of light and colour. Moreover, those voices would continue, there is neither diffraction nor interference taking place there, only a number of subjectively recorded refractions that have been responsible for the entire spectral show that's on display.  

The flat reality, however, is that all those incensed voices are catastrophically and demonstrably wrong. Moreover, not even one of them could account for any complete spectral set (meaning the spectral set that is generated by any individual object that is contained in the picture) by using the conventional theory. You will see that I am absolutely right about that by the end of this Australian day.

But first I want to show you that there is a process of diffraction displayed in our picture, but the truth is that none of you can see it simply because the image of the forest is wholesomely virtual by nature, while--sadly--your backyard trees are bloody real.

Have a good look at those four squares shown in the right half of the picture. The upper two are white and separated by a narrow black strip, while the lower two are black and separated by a white strip of exactly the same width as the black one above it. Now can you tell me, in detail, why in the prismatic picture the black strip is no longer visible, and that in its stead there is a magenta line that is flanked on each side by a cyan line (on its left) and a yellow one, on its right. Of course, you can tell me all that, for you're a physicist and the explanation needed is almost trivial. So, magenta because red and blue have mixed together to give it that colour. Good. Where did the red colour come from? From the left white square, where it used to be next to the yellow line. Good. Of course, the blue then came from the right white square, where it would normally sit next to the cyan. Good.

And now let me ask you this: What is diffraction? What do we call that process in which light bends around corners? Let me show you another beautiful display of diffraction, and then I'll rest my case on this issue.

There is still one very important question that is related to the current topic. The red and blue that came to form that magenta line were evidently coming from opposite directions, before they finally merged to form the magenta line right in front of where that black line was originally located. Couldn't that fact be used as definitive evidence that the colours red and blue bend in opposite directions in prismatic experiments, as I have long maintained to be the case? Don't answer that, just ponder for a little while.

Amicus Newton, amicus Goethe, magis amica veritas

The final message of this post is for the physicist who is convinced that this is not the time for any kind of reevaluation or correction. 

The experiment we've been discussing is far from being novelty. It's been with us for more than 200 years, and it's one of the most notorious subjective experiments that bear the mark of Goethe's work in colour theory. It is one among a slew of subjective observations that have created a great amount of interest--and controversy--in the more recent past. After many years of being overwhelmingly shunned, ignored, or ridiculed by the scientific community, Goethe and his theory of colour have been pushed in the last few years to such a lofty position in the field that many consider them as being at least on a par with Newton and his Opticks. 

Now, from a personal point of view I believe that both men have made great inroads into the nature of light and colours, and for that they have been already rewarded with a permanent place in the history of human evolution. On the other hand, however, I must also say that I have good reasons to believe that neither of them has managed to come even close to what the real crux of the light and colour phenomena is.  So much so that 350 years after Newton we still have not a clear-cut understanding of even what refraction is--let alone the myriad of much more complex phenomena that lay within the universe of light. In fact, to be absolutely frank, I have long been stupefied by the abysmal gaps we have proliferated in 350 years of toiling in the field. To give you some concrete sense of what I'm talking about let me show you the legacy that the world has inherited as a consequence of Newton's very first gaping error he had made.

In the picture above there are two sources of light (one red, one blue) whose beams are cast in the direction of a triangular prism some distance away. The two are perfectly aligned, as you can see. On the other side of the prism we have placed the eye of an observer, who's recorded, subjectively, the image that is coming through the prism. On the basis of the conventional theory, what conclusion can we derive from this particular prismatic observation, and how certain can we be about its validity?

To make matters a little easier let me show you two more pictures on the same theme that are relevant to the topic.

The conventional conclusion of these subjective observations is uncompromising. Coloured lights are refracted in a prism by different amounts, which depend on their particular hues. In effect, when it comes to the colours in our case, blue is refracted (towards the apex of the prism) the most, red is refracted (towards the apex of the prism) the least, and green is refracted (towards the apex of the prism) by an amount in between those two. And, as we can see, the pictures above appear to conform to the conventional theory. 

So, then, as a conventional physicist, how certain are you that your conclusion is correct? Put a figure on it. How certain are you? Would you bet your reputation on it? Your house? Your life? (Incidentally, I know someone just like you, who did not hesitate to put an exact figure on a similar conventional conclusion.)

My honest advice is not to bet a single paisa on the validity of the conventional conclusion, for I can assure you that it is utterly false. This was the first grave error that Newton made, and--alas--it has perpetuated until today. Moreover, that error practically compounded its effect many times over in its 350 years of absolute reign. This is a very complex subject, however, and it should therefore be discussed at some other time and under different circumstances. So, I'll leave it at that, for now.

As far as I'm concerned, the most disconcerting thing about this first Newtonian error is that somehow it has managed to remain undetected for so long, and in spite of being conspicuously evident. Let me give you one most eloquent example about that.

There is one physicist who has arguably done more than most to promote the validity of Goethe's work on colour. His name is Pehr Sallstrom, and I will be referring quite often either to his website, or to his videos, or indeed to his papers on Goethe. If you decide to visit one particular page from his website ( which is called The interplay of Newton and Goethe spectra ( you will read about a certain experiment he had conducted and studied. In that particular experiment Sallstrom had subjectively observed, and photographed, the spectra produced by a vertical slit. The experiment was in principle identical to the slit observation we had discussed a little earlier above, which means that both of them should produce the same results, and for the same reasons, naturally. Now, for our wants and purposes, I will not get into all the details here, restricting my commentary thus strictly to the parts that are relevant to our current topic of discussion. In fact, for our wants and purposes, we only need to cite two explanatory lines, and show you the resultant picture of the observation.

1. In this case the slit in the screen is partly covered with Red, Green and Blue Violet transparencies.

2. As before, when illuminated from behind and looked at through a glass prism, it shows you a Newtonian spectrum, where the three colours find their respective appropriate positions. 

Now, have a good look at images 1 and 2, read their respective explanatory notes, remember everything we've talked so far on the subject, and then tell me what your thoughts are. (Btw, the Italics are mine.) 
To my mind it is inconceivable that anyone familiar with the Newtonian theory of light and colours (and Pehr Sallstrom is a professional physicist) can miss the absolutely obvious discrepancy between the factual evidence produced by a real experiment (as in the case here) and the verbal assurance provided by a theoretical declaration (as in the case of Newton's theory). For, after all, if you harbour any kind of doubts about the reality of the experiment in question, you can always replicate it and thus verify the result yourself. In fact, in our particular case you don't even have to try to replicate Sallstrom's entire experiment to the letter, for effectively it suffices to look through a prism at image number 1 and thus verify for yourself if the image you see is the same as that shown at number 2. (If you decide to do that, I can tell you that you have to hold the prism with the apex pointing to your left.)

So, Pehr, can you tell us how those three colours in image number 1 have found their appropriate positions? Don't worry, that was a rhetorical question. The plain truth is that in subjective prismatic experiments Blue is refracted by the prism toward its apex, Red is refracted in the opposite direction (towards the prism's base) and Green is not refracted at all. That is the truth, and I've become aware of it so long ago that I don't even care anymore to remember when it happened.

Now, I can tell you that there have been many opportunities over the years for others to become aware of Newton's mistake too. Yet, to the best of my knowledge, no one else seems to have noticed it in three and a half centuries. Let me tell you about one such opportunity, which makes me giddy every time I think about it.

We have all seen subjective prismatic images, like the ones shown below, in the conventional literature.

In fact, Goethe himself had drawn and used both kinds in his Zur Farbenlehre. The two images are renditions of what a white circle and a white rectangle look like when they are observed through a prism. The Newtonian explanation for their existence is widely known and held as definitive. Thus, when we look at a white rectangle with a naked eye, we perceive it as white because the spectral colours that form white light are in a state of superposition (they are superposed onto each other). When we look at the white rectangle through a prism, however, each spectral colour is refracted by a different, specific amount. In the case of the primary colours Blue is refracted the most, Red the least, and Green somewhere in between them. The Yellow and Cyan bands that are seen in our picture are created by the overlaps that occur in the process. Specifically, Yellow is created by the overlapping and mixing of Red and Green, while Cyan is formed by the overlapping and mixing of Blue and Green.

That's the official explanation for the spectra observed, and by all accounts that explanation has never been disputed or challenged in any shape or form. Not even Goethe has officially challenged the conventional explanation, although in his view the observed spectra arise because of completely different reasons.

Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Why a little knowledge is more dangerous than no knowledge at all


It's been a long time since my last post. And it would have become even longer, if not for the following email I found a few days ago in my inbox. 

Dear Remus,

The red and blue aren’t refracted in opposite directions and I can prove it.

Make this pattern and keep the red line and black square movable. Notice the green, blue and white line created from the red line over the cyan backdrop, as seen in image 1? Move the black square closer to the red line until you notice the once white line turning yellowish, as seen in image 2. Now, move the black square even closer to the red line, as seen in image 3. The once white line is now red. The cyan contains blue and green. When they overlap with the red, we see white. The black square blocks any incoming light from the opposite side. Notice how the once blue line is now black, as well. If you make the red line thicker, you’ll notice that we’ll see the black again because the blue from the right side isn’t overlapping it.

Gopi asked in his paper, “What is the source of this darkening or brightening?” I have all the patterns memorized now. I know the answer, and I’m sure that I can prove it to you, if you give me the chance.

I would like to finish our little chess game, if you don't mind.

Your move! What say you, Remus?

P.S. Colors: Slippery little devils, aren't they? (-:

Deborah, a.k.a. The American Lady, a.k.a. Secular Sanity. The person who's been practically stalking me online since 2008. The unfathomable character who has attempted on countless occasions and through many a means to either prove or convince (me, and/or others) that I've been wrong in basically everything that I have ever written in regard to physics. But the most disturbing aspect in this pathetic melodrama is the fact that not once has this person managed to raise even a half-decent set of arguments as a backup to her claims. In fact, to be brutally honest one would have to admit that the majority of all the reasons and arguments that she has used in that misguided and misconducted quest was rather more embarrassing, than anything else. For everyone.

Now, for many months before the arrival of this last email I had completely ignored all her other attempts to re-engage me into some form of communication, and I would have most likely continued to do so--were it not for those final bits of her message, which I knew so, so well... It is because of those sluggy bits that I've decided to respond, once again, to yet another grandiose display of utter gibber.


Make this pattern and keep the red line and black square movable.

Notice the green, blue and white line created from the red line over the cyan backdrop, as seen in image 1?

Move the black square closer to the red line until you notice the once white line turning yellowish, as seen in image 2. 

 Now, move the black square even closer to the red line, as seen in image 3.

The once white line is now red. 

The cyan contains blue and green. When they overlap with the red, we see white. 

The black square blocks any incoming light from the opposite side. 

Notice how the once blue line is now black, as well. 

If you make the red line thicker, you’ll notice that we’ll see the black again because the blue from the right side isn’t overlapping it.

This is the entire chain of arguments and reasons on the basis of which she has become convinced that she can prove my claim that the colours Red and Blue are deflected in opposite directions in subjective prismatic experiments to be false. The sheer reality, however, is that she is badly mistaken, as I will demonstrate next.


To make the matter absolutely clear for all concerned I will make use of a slightly more elaborate pattern than the one seen above, and you will see why in a few moments. 

Figure 1

The pattern in question is the one shown in the image above on the left. As you can see, the only difference I made was to introduce a second line into the picture, exactly twice as wide as the first one. There is a good reason for that second, thicker red line, and you should be able to see it as soon as you'll examine the other half of the image above, which is shown on the right. That is the image of my pattern seen through an equilateral prism, which is oriented with the apex pointing to the observer's left. 

The bone of contention is whether my longstanding claim that, contrary to the conventional views, not all spectral colours obey the Newtonian assertion regarding the direction of refraction in the subjective prismatic observations. Specifically, I contend that the colours Red and Blue are refracted in opposite directions by the prism, and that Green is not refracted at all. Effectively, it is my contention that Blue is deflected in a direction toward the apex of the prism, and Red in the direction of the base. It must also be remembered that the colours under scrutiny display that kind of refractive behaviour only when they are projected upon backgrounds that are darker than their own. For example, the colours in question do not refract in the same manner if they are cast against a uniformly white background. (The beautiful reality is that in that case it is their complementary counterparts that assume those roles. We'll come across that subject a little later.)

Now, with that being said, let us begin examining the evidence. 

Notice the green, blue and white line created from the red line over the cyan backdrop, as seen in image 1?

Yes, Deborah, I notice them. (The reference above is better discerned in my own pattern above on the right, and is marked by the arrow 11.)

The cyan contains blue and green. When they overlap with the red, we see white. 

That's basically correct. But before even attempting to take this statement further, in order to use it in any subsequent argument, as you actually did, you should have easily realised that there are two obvious, imperative issues that you must have uncompromisingly addressed

The first one is your blatantly flawed assumption that the red line was not deflected in any direction by the prism! That is the only conclusion anyone could draw from your words, for in fact you failed to mention anything in that regard.

The second one is the equally flawed presumption that somehow those blue and green lines that are accompanying the white line needed no explanation. (This is also a guess, for again, you make no mention whatsoever about the provenance of those lines.) The harsh and uncompromising reality, however, is that one must provide an explanation for the existence of those lines, too.

It's hard to believe that someone who, by all accounts, has studied this subject for at least 13 years, did not, at the very least, realise that in order to try to figure out whether my claim was right or wrong the very first thing of absolute necessity is to determine some point of reference that would remain in the same position even when observed subjectively through a prism. Otherwise, how could you be sure that when you look through your prism at some object whether it's been (or it's been not) deflected from its original position? Come on, it's elementary, Dr. Watson!

A simple, elegant way to do that is to use as points of reference identical objects as those under observation, but which are either black or white in colour (depending on circumstances). For instance, suppose that you want to determine if the colours Cyan, Yellow, and Magenta, when they are cast against a white background and observed subjectively through a prism, are behaving in the same manner as the colours Red, Blue, and Green do when they are projected against a black background. (Remember?) In that case, you could then use a pattern like the one below.

If you now conduct a subjective prismatic observation of the diagram above you should be able to establish with absolute certainty if the CMY trio on a white background behaves like the RGB counterpart displayed onto a black background. (Do not ask why, or how, because I have described the whole concept so many times in the past that, by Zeus, I just couldn't do it even once, any longer.)

A short intermezzo

When I published the first part of this post (12 days ago) I made a conscious decision to not add anything to it for a few days. The main reason for that decision was to see how Deborah will react when she was to see the figure with my pattern that I showed a little earlier above. Then, three days ago I found the following email in my inbox:

“Now, with that being said, let us begin examining the evidence.”—Remus Poradin

By all means, please do so…because so far, you’ve only managed to cast doubt on my character rather than my contentions. You have to actually discredit my argument, not my character, Remus.

The devil is in the details (-;

Check, mate!


It has become obvious to me now that I had foolishly given Deborah far more credit than she ever deserved. The reason I'm saying this is because, as far as I'm concerned, anyone with even a modest grasp of the subject at stake should--upon examining the pattern I mentioned in the intermezzo--immediately realise on their own that my longstanding claim about the refraction in opposite directions of the colours Red and Blue in subjective observations is eminently correct, and in the final part of this post I will explain why.

To make things a little easier to follow I will now drop below a copy of the pattern that interests us the most. I'm referring of course to the prismatic view of the original (un-refracted) pattern. Here we go, then.

We shall begin at the top (with what is seen at numbers 1 and 13) and proceed to go down, one step at a time, until we'll have explained every visual feature in the entire picture. Let's go.

At number 1 we have a magenta line, which is about half as wide as the original red line of my non-prismatic pattern, and a wider yellow line adjacent to it. How did these two particular lines come into being? The explanation for their presence is equally simple and straightforward. As I had mentioned earlier, the colours blue and red are only deflected by a subjective prismatic observation when they are cast upon a darker background than their own hues. When they are observed prismatically against a white background, as it is the case here, they are not deflected (refracted, bent, etc.) at all. So the magenta line is really part of the original red line, upon which the white background has cast half of the so-called boundary spectra. And the half in question is formed by the blue-cyan combination, since the observation conducted is through a prism oriented with the apex pointing to the left. The other half of the boundary spectra is of course formed by the red-yellow combination, which is always displayed toward the base of the prim, and which it is in fact the reason for the yellow line that is adjacent to the magenta line in our case. 

That's all there is at play at number 1, and the only thing I need to add to the paragraph above is that if there is anyone out there to whom what I said is not immediately evident, then that person has absolutely no business of being here, in any shape or form.

Now, for a complete explanation about what is seen at number 1, and of course at number 13 as well, there still remains one other little thing that perhaps needs some more clarification.


When I returned home--very early this morning--another email from Deborah was waiting for me. Subject?

Let me know when you're finished.

"Now, for a complete explanation about what is seen at number 1, and of course at number 13 as well, there still remains one other little thing that perhaps needs some more clarification."~Remus Poradin

It's beautiful today. I'm going to work in the yard. Let me know when it's my turn. Shoot me an email when you're finished. Will you?

Thanks, Remus. Good day to you!

It's 5.33 Am. It's quite cold, I need a hot coffee and a couple of smokes, I haven't said a word directly to this woman for... I've got no frigging idea how long, I absolutely abhor this kind of Trumpenesque double-downing, I'm suddenly convinced that she is a devoted loyalist/patriot, and for fuck's sake--I have had much too much more than enough! I am done. I am finished.